Many celebs are swapping long hairstyles for this season's hottest hair trend: a bob. Many celebs are swapping long hairstyles for this seasons hottest hair trend: a bob. Katie Piper OBE, however, is doing the complete opposite. The presenter has just swapped her trademark mid-length look for long, flowing tresses – a transformation achieved with magic (well, hair extensions).

Katie first teased the makeover on her Instagram stories, tagging in her hairstylist Hadley Yates. Shortly after, the 39 year old uploaded a Reel of the transformation process to her grid, captioned: “*flips hair*. Colour by @nickylazou. Style and extended by @hadleyyatessalon using @greatlengthsuk”.

Fans are, of course, loving the change, with plenty dishing out praise on the Pantene ambassador for the style switch-up.

“Where’s the bob gone?!” one incredulous follower asks, while a second says: “Your hair always looks so amazing”.

“In love with this cut,” a third writes.

Left, Katie with her short hair, and right, with her new long hair

Katie with her previous shorter hair

Katie, who works with beauty brands Pantene and La Roche-Posay, often shares insights into her daily beauty regime with her Instagram fans. Back in 2021, when she was revealed as OK!’s Beauty celebrity collaborator, she took the time to explain to followers how she manages to apply her make-up with compromised vision.

"I mean it's a really good question and I faced the same battle myself when I lost my eyesight in my left eye when I was 24 and my right eye was compromised as well,” she said in response to a question about her application tips.

Katie continued: "I'm really fortunate that my right eye has returned to 75% but my left eye is still completely blind so it was a whole new way of learning how to do my makeup and skincare routine.

"Firstly, a lot of things are by touch and you'll be surprised by how well you know your own face by touch – judging and practicing at home. You often hear that expression: 'I could do my hair or my makeup with my eyes shut' because it becomes such a daily routine.

"I think what I found really helpful was going onto YouTube and Instagram and finding tutorials where people speak, so you don't have to see the visual tutorial, somebody will tell you."

Let’s hope Katie shares more beauty tips with us soon!


By Editor